TMGS vs Ifield 27th August 2017 by Alan Galagher

In a first for the Greys, the cancellation of the scheduled Sunday game saw a hastily arranged fixture taking place on a Monday, against new opposition, in the form of Ifield.  On what turned out to be a hot and sunny bank holiday, the greys found themselves up against opposition that were young and quite good, a combination that the worlds’ greatest cricket team has traditionally struggled against.

Batting first TMGs made slow progress. Biff went in the 10th over for 7, bringing Terry out to the middle for what must be considered one of the finest sporting achievements of all time, his 365th game for the club.  It was also during this period of play that another major milestone was passed, with Jerry scoring his 7000th run for TMG.  As fantastic as both these moments were, it is unfortunate that in terms of the cricket, they were the highlights of the day.  Terry was soon run-out, and Jerry was dismissed quickly after for 17.  Alex played some nice shots for his 25, but after he was bowled the Greys lost wickets at regular intervals.  Duncan played well and helped hold the innings together, staying at the crease as we lost Dom, Dave and Zach cheaply.  Alan then joined him in the middle, and together they managed to push the score along before Duncan was caught and bowled for a well-made 24.  Good Ben was up next, and played plenty of pleasing shots as he and Alan put on 52 together to bring the score to 191, the scoring finished off by Alan hitting the ball back over the bowlers head for 4 off the final ball of the innings to win PSM for the day.

tmgs-vs-ifield-27082017-team-terry-365-alexSo the Greys had managed to get what looked to be a reasonable total to defend, how would the youngsters go about getting it?  Would the wily, experienced bowlers of TMG be too much for them?  Would they their scrawny, underdeveloped teenage bodies struggle to hit the ball off the square?  We found out soon enough, and the answer was……

I’m not going to go into any depth on the second innings of the match, the only thing worth mentioning was an excellent direct-hit run-out from Good Ben.  It wasn’t given out though, and the lad went on to get a hundred.  We did manage to get a run-out, again Good Ben, but this time in combination with Jerry, but that was the only wicket to fall in what was a long hot slog of a second innings.  They chased the score down with 10 overs to spare, and by the end we were glad to get off the field.  All that said, it was a glorious day and we managed to get a game in, so can’t have too many complaints.  Also I got a fifty, so at least I had fun.


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5 responses to “TMGS vs Ifield 27th August 2017 by Alan Galagher

  1. The West Indies had Greenidge and Haynes, England had Sutcliffe and Hobbs, Australia Hayden and Langer and for the last 15 years or more TMG have had Brasher and Line. Not only are they number 1 and 2 in the batting order but also 1 and 2 in career runs for the Greys having amassed over 14000 between them. How many of these were as an opening pair? Fantastic service for the club and congrats to Jerry for reaching this milestone.

  2. Well done Alan, Jerry, Terry!! What’s in the box?? And what the fuck has happened to Hoare and Day – were they just there for the photo?

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